I’m playing catch-up on the blog! Would you believe me if I told you these pictures were taken with the noon day sun?! It’s true! Let me introduce you to my little friend called the fill flash I strapped on my Canon 580 EX II (on camera), put a diffuser over it and using the high speed sync mode started shooting away! High speed sync allows you to use your flash at higher shutter speeds than 1/250 sec. (Were you ever wondering why it never let you get your shutter above 200 or 250?) The trick is to have your subject face away from the sun, so they aren’t squinting, and you aren’t getting that horrible mix of flat/shadowed light casting over their face. Shooting in manual, expose for your background and use enough fill flash to bring the light back into their face/skin, etc. I adjusted the flash’s power right from my camera. (You can consult your camera’s manual if you don’t know how to do this). Or just leave me a comment below and I can try to walk you through it!
ISO 100, f/2.5, 1/3200sec
ISO 100, f/2.2, 1/1000 sec
ISO 100, f/2.5, 1/3200sec
ISO 100, f/2.5, 1/2000sec
And this one was taken in the shade but I had to include it because they are going to have a beautiful 20×20 gallery wrapped canvas hanging on their wall! Love it when clients go BIG!
ISO 200, f/2.2, 1/250sec
To schedule a children’s session, please visit my website for more information or email christene@csphotopro.com